Vision Statement

Develop relationships with members of the local community and value the influence they can have on every student’s future. Seek input from parents and business leaders as well as staff members.
Set goals and expectations for all students to meet a level of proficiency in essential standards. Dedicate a personal philosophy to encourage every student to understand perseverance and the notion of “never giving up”.
Encourage all areas of development in every student – be there, be ready to listen, be willing to mentor. Be interested in the well being of every student.
Foster collaboration every day. Working together in unison is the single greatest effort a staff can give to impact student achievement and continuous school improvement.
Celebrate the integrity and worth of each individual and esteem the diverse cultures, talents and skills that each individual brings to our community. Uniqueness fosters pride and that pride brings about a greater self-respect.
Build relationships that foster a trusting, thoughtful, caring school community. Value interaction and communication. Take time to know your population. Recognizing the makeup of your staff strengthens a team’s capabilities.
Promote character every chance you get. Incorporate trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship in school-wide expectations. Develop character curriculum and recognize students who exhibit these traits.
Search out challenging opportunities to change, grow, innovate, and improve the school by encouraging people to look beyond their own job descriptions. Treat every task as an adventure. When you empower people, you set the stage for a brighter tomorrow.
We will promote a school-wide belief in all students and offer appropriate support for each. No student should ever be overlooked when it comes to his or her academic, social and career needs.
The school community is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment that seeks to elevate student achievement and promote school-wide success.
Recognize and celebrate individual and group contributions to the success of every project. Make recognition public. Find people doing the right thing. Be creative in recognizing excellence.
Foster and reward new, creative and imaginative approaches and ideas. Enable staff members to dream and aspire to pursue personal and school-wide improvement opportunities. Encourage risk – without risk, there’s no change.
The single greatest resource for any school is not money or materials… it’s the people. People are what we’re all about. Schools are for kids…being taught by dedicated faculty members…supported by caring counselors, passionate classified staff members, involved parents and community leaders who prize education.
We seek to establish a school climate that encourages students and staff to be the best they are capable of becoming in all aspects of their Saugus High School experience.
"We don’t just teach students…we develop people who build better tomorrows”.
"We don’t just teach students…we develop people who build better tomorrows”.
No Student Ignored
Provide A Safe School
Develop People
Develop People