Saugus Adavanced Placement Info
AP Course Offerings 2023-2024
College Board
You must add AP Classroom to your College Board accounts to be eligible to register for AP Exams. (*Use your school email address when creating an account)
- How to create a student account
- Ready to create your student account:
Pay For AP Exams
- Register and Pay for all AP Exams using this website. (*Use your school email address when creating an account)
- Pay for exams: Total Registration
- Payment information dates/fees
- *You will receive a payment confirmation email from Total Registration. If parents and students did not receive a Payment Confirmation Email, then the payment was not fully processed.
- For continuing students who had FRAM status last year with the William S. Hart School District, eligibility status will roll over to this year. There is no need to reapply.
- If you're new to the district, CLICK HERE to fill out the form. If your household income has changed from last year, please complete the form. DEADLINE to apply for FRAM: 10/27/2023.
AP Exam Dates, Times & Locations(TBD)
Testing Day Policies
Questions? Contact:
- Saugus High School AP Coordinator-Valerie Blair
- [email protected] or stop by my room: J1001